Our Mission

Leveraging the power of community relationships, we collaborate with individuals and organizations to propose, design and implement compassionate responses to homelessness from the ground up.

Three Core Beliefs

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Everyone deserves a safe place to call home.

“Home” should encompass the social determinants of health, while delivering compassion, acceptance, hope, social support, dignity, kindness and love.

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Everyone has a role in providing safe places to call home.

Service providers alone cannot end homelessness. Motivated elected officials cannot end homelessness. Compassionate private sector entities cannot end homelessness. Each person has a unique and necessary role in this work.


Everyone has a responsibility to center racial equity.

Using an “equitable development” framework as outlined by the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE), we are committed to using “equitable development” principles in all of our projects.


At From the Ground Up, we use an action-oriented approach that leverages community relationships to collaboratively end homelessness.